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I was born November 6, 1983 in Pittsburgh, USA, where my parents served as delegates to the "Young Judeah" movement.
Raised and educated in Jerusalem. Majored in arts at "Givat Gonen" high school. Studied photography and digital media at "Sapir Collage" in the Negev for for three years.
Shortly after graduation in 2009, I was chosen to display my work at the Israeli Photography Festival - POV, in the category - Promising New Photographers. During the festival my work was porchased by the art patron Serge Tirosh.
Currently I work, create and exhibit as a photographer.
Both as an artists, and a consumer of the arts, and photography within - for me is the tool with which I try to decipher and understand my own inner world and the world we live in.
Photography evolves me and has taught me and continues teaching me each time anew that I can see anything and everything in countless perspectives and that from each and every angle light sheds differently, thus changes the surface of things and in direct correlation the way we see them and what we feel about them. I allow myself to be influenced by everything - It could be a daily conversation, a book I read or a song I hear, and even reality TV. If it touches me and makes me feel something, it is valuable to me. I often use photography to process my thoughts and feelings.
Photography helps me understand who I used to be, who I am today and who I aspire to be.
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